Understanding and Using Linux Subshells (Practical Guide)

A subshell is a child process launched by a shell, which is essentially a command-line interpreter.

It shares the properties of the parent shell but operates within a separate process space.
Subshells offer isolation and flexibility in executing commands and running scripts.

Subshells are commonly used in scripting for task automation, parallel execution, and modular coding, contributing to a more efficient and robust system.



Creating Subshells

Using Parentheses

Subshells can be created using parentheses.


(echo "Inside subshell";)

This will create a subshell and print “Inside subshell.”

Starting a New Shell

You can invoke a new shell process by running a shell command such as bash or sh.

bash ls

Using pipeline (|)

This depends on the specific shell you use.

In Bourne shell and KornShell (ksh), each part of the pipeline is executed in its own subshell.

This means that variable assignments or other changes to the shell environment made within one part of the pipeline will not affect the rest of the pipeline or the parent shell.

In the Bash shell, the rightmost command in the pipeline is usually executed in the current shell, while the others are executed in subshells.

This behavior can be altered in Bash by setting the lastpipe shell option with the shopt builtin.

Here’s an example to illustrate the difference:

echo "hello" | read var; echo $var

In Bash (without lastpipe), this will print an empty line because the read command is executed in a subshell, and the variable assignment doesn’t affect the parent shell.

In KornShell (with the sh option), this will print “hello” because the read command is executed in the current shell, and the variable assignment does affect the parent shell.


Differences between a Shell and Subshell

A shell is a command-line interpreter that processes user commands. A subshell, on the other hand, is a child process spawned by the shell. Here are the key distinctions:

  • Shell: The main interface that interacts with the operating system’s kernel, managing user commands, scripting, and programs.
  • Subshell: A separate instance of the shell, inheriting characteristics from its parent but running in its own process space. Any changes made inside a subshell will not affect the parent shell.

Command Example:

echo $BASHPID; (echo $BASHPID)



The output of the first echo shows the parent shell’s process ID.

The output of the second echo within parentheses indicates the subshell’s process ID, demonstrating that they are two different processes.


Environment Variables and Subshells

Environment variables are important in the context of subshells. Here’s how they interact:

Exporting Variables


export VAR="Outside"; (export VAR="Inside"; echo $VAR); echo $VAR



The first print statement within the subshell shows the value “Inside,” while the second print statement in the parent shell shows the original value “Outside.”

Non-exported Variables


VAR="Outside"; (VAR="Inside"; echo $VAR); echo $VAR



Again, the value is changed within the subshell but reverts back to the parent shell, as the variable is not exported, so the child does not inherit it.


Exit Status and Return Values

In Linux, commands return an exit status to indicate success or failure. Subshells also return exit statuses to their parent shells.

(echo "Inside subshell"; exit 3); echo $?


Inside subshell

This code creates a subshell that prints a string and then exits with status 3.

The parent shell prints the subshell’s exit status, demonstrating how it propagates from the subshell to the parent shell.


Job Control in Subshells

Subshells allow you to run tasks in the background, foreground, and monitor them efficiently.

Background Jobs


(echo "Starting"; sleep 5; echo "Done") &


[1] 1724

This sends the subshell process to the background. You will receive the process ID, and the job will continue to run.

Foreground Jobs


fg %1

This command brings job number 1 to the foreground if running in the background.

Monitoring Processes




[1]+ Running (echo "Starting"; sleep 5; echo "Done") &

This lists current background jobs.

Killing a Job


kill %1

This command terminates job number 1.


Command Execution in Subshells

Subshells allow for various command execution methods, enhancing control and flexibility.

Sequential Execution


(echo "First"; echo "Second")



Commands are executed sequentially within the subshell.

Parallel Execution


(echo "First" & echo "Second" &)

Output can vary, such as:




Commands run in parallel, so the order will vary.


Nested Subshells

Nested subshells are subshells created within other subshells, allowing for layered isolation and control.

(echo "Outer"; (echo "Inner"); echo "Again Outer")


Again Outer

This command demonstrates nesting by creating a subshell inside another subshell. The inner subshell prints “Inner”, while the outer subshell prints “Outer” and “Again Outer.”
Nested subshells can be used to create complex structures, isolate variables and functions, and build modular and maintainable code.


Using Subshells in Scripts

Subshells can add great flexibility and control in scripting by enabling conditional execution and looping.

Conditional Execution


if (exit 0); then echo "Success"; else echo "Failure"; fi



The subshell exits with a status of 0, indicating success, so the “Success” branch of the conditional is executed.

Looping with Subshells


for i in 1 2 3; do (echo "Number $i"); done


Number 1
Number 2
Number 3

Here, a subshell is used within a loop to print numbers 1 through 3, demonstrating the flexibility of subshells in different control structures.


Efficiency of Subshells vs. Native Shell Commands

Subshells, while powerful and flexible, can have efficiency implications:

Creating a Subshell


time (echo "Subshell";)


real    0m0.001s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.001s

Creating a subshell involves starting a new process, which can add overhead.

Using Native Shell Commands


time echo "Native Shell"


Native Shell
real    0m0.000s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.000s

Executing a command in the native shell usually requires less overhead.
This comparison emphasizes that, while subshells offer advantages like isolation and flexibility, they can also introduce efficiency concerns.


Real-World Example (Automation with Subshells)

Subshells can be incredibly useful in real-world scenarios, especially for automation. Here’s an example that demonstrates using subshells to automate a common task:

Backup Automation

Suppose you want to back up a directory and send a notification once done.

(tar -czvf backup.tar.gz /path/to/directory && echo "Backup successful" || echo "Backup failed") | mail -s "Backup Status" user@example.com


Backup successful

This command uses a subshell to create a compressed tar archive of the specified directory.

It then sends a success or failure notification to the specified email address.
This example highlights how subshells can be leveraged in real-world scenarios to automate complex tasks.

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