Load Complex Numbers using NumPy loadtxt()

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to load complex numbers from various formats using NumPy loadtxt function.

Whether your data is in a standard complex format, separated into real and imaginary columns, or enclosed in custom ways, NumPy can handle it all.



Load Standard Complex Format

Suppose you have a dataset of complex numbers stored in a standard format like 1+2j, and you want to load this data into a NumPy array.

Here’s how you can do it:

import numpy as np

# Sample file path
file_path = 'complex_numbers.txt'
complex_data = np.loadtxt(file_path, dtype=complex)


[1.+2.j 3.+4.j 5.+6.j]

Here, np.loadtxt is used to read the file complex_numbers.txt, which contains complex numbers in the format 1+2j.

The dtype=complex argument tells NumPy to interpret the loaded data as complex numbers.

The result is a NumPy array of complex numbers, each represented as a+bj, where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part.


Load Separated Real and Imaginary Columns

In some cases, the real and imaginary parts of complex numbers are separated into different columns.

NumPy’s loadtxt function can handle this format as well:

import numpy as np
file_path = 'separated_complex_numbers.txt'

# Load the real and imaginary parts
real_part, imag_part = np.loadtxt(file_path, unpack=True)
complex_data = real_part + 1j*imag_part


[1.+2.j 3.+4.j 5.+6.j]

In this script, np.loadtxt reads two columns of data from separated_complex_numbers.txt.

The unpack=True argument splits these columns into two separate arrays: real_part and imag_part.

These arrays are then combined to form an array of complex numbers using the expression real_part + 1j*imag_part, where 1j represents the imaginary unit in Python.


Load Custom Formats

Handling custom formats of complex numbers, such as using ‘i’ instead of ‘j’ for the imaginary part and omitting the sign for the imaginary part, requires a bit more work in Python with NumPy.

You can’t directly use np.loadtxt for these formats, but there’s a straightforward workaround.

Here’s how to do it:

import numpy as np
file_path = 'custom_complex_numbers.txt'
def convert_to_complex(number_str):
    number_str = number_str.replace('i', 'j').replace('+-', '-').replace('+', '+')
    return complex(number_str)
complex_data = np.loadtxt(file_path, converters={0: convert_to_complex})


[1.+2.j 3.-4.j 5.+6.j]

The function convert_to_complex replaces ‘i’ with ‘j’ and ensures that the sign between the real and imaginary parts is correctly formatted.

Then, np.loadtxt is used with the converters parameter to apply this function to each entry in the file.


Load String Enclosed Complex Numbers

Sometimes complex numbers are stored in text files with each number enclosed in quotes, like "1+2j".

Here’s how you can load such complex numbers using NumPy’s loadtxt function:

import numpy as np
file_path = 'string_enclosed_complex_numbers.txt'
def convert_enclosed_complex(number_str):
    return complex(number_str.strip('"'))
complex_data = np.loadtxt(file_path, converters={0: convert_enclosed_complex}, dtype=complex)


[1.+2.j 3.+4.j 5.+6.j]

In this example, a custom function convert_enclosed_complex is used to strip the quotes and convert the string to a complex number.

The np.loadtxt function then applies this converter to each element in the file.


Load Parentheses Enclosed Complex Numbers

Loading complex numbers that are enclosed in parentheses, such as (1+2j), requires removing the parentheses.

import numpy as np
file_path = 'parentheses_enclosed_complex_numbers.txt'
def convert_parentheses_complex(number_str):
    return complex(number_str.strip('()'))
complex_data = np.loadtxt(file_path, converters={0: convert_parentheses_complex}, dtype=complex)


[1.+2.j 3.+4.j 5.+6.j]

This script uses a custom converter function, convert_parentheses_complex, which strips off the parentheses from each string before converting it to a complex number.

The np.loadtxt function is then used with the converters parameter to process each line in the text file and transform them into complex numbers in the desired format.


Loading Only the Real or Imaginary Part

Here’s how to selectively load just one part of the complex data:

import numpy as np
file_path = 'complex_data.txt'
complex_data = np.loadtxt(file_path, dtype=complex)
real_parts = complex_data.real
print("Real Parts:", real_parts)
imaginary_parts = complex_data.imag
print("Imaginary Parts:", imaginary_parts)


Real Parts: [1. 3. 5.]
Imaginary Parts: [2. 4. 6.]

In this code, after loading the complex numbers into complex_data, the .real and .imag properties of the NumPy array are used to extract the real and imaginary parts respectively.

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