Create Python tabulate table from a Dictionary

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create formatted tables from dictionaries using the Python tabulate library.

You’ll explore various dictionary structures and how to convert them into tables.



Create a table from a dictionary

To create a simple table from a dictionary, you can use the tabulate function.

You can create a basic table from a dictionary using the tabulate function like this:

from tabulate import tabulate
data = {
    "Name": "Amr",
    "Age": 28,
    "City": "Cairo",
    "Occupation": "Software Engineer"
table = tabulate(data.items(), headers=["Key", "Value"], tablefmt="grid")


| Key         | Value              |
| Name        | Amr                |
| Age         | 28                 |
| City        | Cairo              |
| Occupation  | Software Engineer  |

The code converts the dictionary items into a list of key-value pairs and creates a table with “Key” and “Value” headers.


Create a table from a Dictionary with list values

To create a table from a dictionary with list values, use the zip function to pair keys with their corresponding values:

from tabulate import tabulate
data = {
    "Name": ["Fatma", "Hassan", "Nour"],
    "Age": [25, 32, 28],
    "City": ["Alexandria", "Giza", "Luxor"]
headers = list(data.keys())
values = list(zip(*data.values()))
table = tabulate(values, headers=headers, tablefmt="pretty")


|  Name  | Age |    City    |
| Fatma  |  25 | Alexandria |
| Hassan |  32 |    Giza    |
|  Nour  |  28 |   Luxor    |

This code extracts the keys as headers and uses zip to create rows from the list values.


Create a table from a Dictionary of Dictionaries

To create a table from a nested dictionary, flatten the structure and use the keys as column headers:

from tabulate import tabulate
data = {
    "Aisha": {"age": 30, "job": "Teacher", "city": "Aswan"},
    "Karim": {"age": 28, "job": "Engineer", "city": "Port Said"},
    "Laila": {"age": 35, "job": "Doctor", "city": "Hurghada"}
headers = ["Name"] + list(next(iter(data.values())).keys())
table_data = [[name] + list(info.values()) for name, info in data.items()]
table = tabulate(table_data, headers=headers, tablefmt="pipe")


| Name   |   age | job       | city      |
| Aisha  |    30 | Teacher   | Aswan     |
| Karim  |    28 | Engineer  | Port Said |
| Laila  |    35 | Doctor    | Hurghada  |

This code flattens the nested structure, using the outer keys as the “Name” column and the inner keys as additional columns.


Create a table from a Dictionary with hierarchical keys

To create a table from a dictionary with hierarchical keys, you can use a recursive function to flatten the structure:

from tabulate import tabulate
def flatten_dict(d, parent_key='', sep='_'):
    items = []
    for k, v in d.items():
        new_key = f"{parent_key}{sep}{k}" if parent_key else k
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            items.extend(flatten_dict(v, new_key, sep=sep).items())
            items.append((new_key, v))
    return dict(items)
data = {
    "Egypt": {
        "Cairo": {"population": 9700000, "area": 3085},
        "Alexandria": {"population": 5200000, "area": 2679}
    "Sudan": {
        "Khartoum": {"population": 5274321, "area": 22142},
        "Omdurman": {"population": 2395159, "area": 614}
flattened_data = flatten_dict(data)
headers = ["Country_City", "Statistic", "Value"]
table_data = [[k.split('_')[0], k.split('_')[1], v] for k, v in flattened_data.items()]
table = tabulate(table_data, headers=headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid")


│ Country_City   │ Statistic   │   Value │
│ Egypt          │ Cairo       │ 9700000 │
│ Egypt          │ Cairo       │    3085 │
│ Egypt          │ Alexandria  │ 5200000 │
│ Egypt          │ Alexandria  │    2679 │
│ Sudan          │ Khartoum    │ 5274321 │
│ Sudan          │ Khartoum    │   22142 │
│ Sudan          │ Omdurman    │ 2395159 │
│ Sudan          │ Omdurman    │     614 │

This code uses a recursive function to flatten the hierarchical dictionary.

It then creates a table with columns for the country, city, statistic type, and value.

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