Create 3D Stem Plot in Python Using Matplotlib

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create 3D stem plots using Python. Stem plots are excellent for visualizing discrete data points in three-dimensional space.

We’ll use the Matplotlib library to generate these plots.



Data Preparation

To create a 3D stem plot, you need three-dimensional data. Let’s generate some sample data using NumPy:

import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 10)
y = np.linspace(-5, 5, 10)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = np.sin(np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2))
print(f"X shape: {X.shape}")
print(f"Y shape: {Y.shape}")
print(f"Z shape: {Z.shape}")


X shape: (10, 10)
Y shape: (10, 10)
Z shape: (10, 10)

The generated data consists of 10×10 grids for X, Y, and Z coordinates.

To create a stem plot, you need to reshape the data into 1D arrays:

# Reshape data for stem plot
x_stem = X.flatten()
y_stem = Y.flatten()
z_stem = Z.flatten()
print(f"x_stem shape: {x_stem.shape}")
print(f"y_stem shape: {y_stem.shape}")
print(f"z_stem shape: {z_stem.shape}")


x_stem shape: (100,)
y_stem shape: (100,)
z_stem shape: (100,)

The reshaped data now contains 100 points for each dimension, ready for the stem plot.


Basic 3D Stem Plot

To create 3D plots in Matplotlib, you need to import the mplot3d toolkit:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

Set up the figure and 3D axes for your stem plot:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

Create a custom function to generate the 3D stem plot:

def stem3D(ax, x, y, z, **kwargs):
    for xi, yi, zi in zip(x, y, z):
        line = ax.plot([xi, xi], [yi, yi], [0, zi], **kwargs)
        ax.scatter(xi, yi, zi, c=line[0].get_color())

# Create the 3D stem plot
stem3D(ax, x_stem, y_stem, z_stem, linewidth=1, color='b')
ax.set_title('3D Stem Plot')


3D Stem Plot

This code creates a basic 3D stem plot with blue stems and markers.


Customize Stem Appearance

Adjust Stem Colors

You can use a colormap to assign different colors to stems based on their height:

import as cm
def stem3D(ax, x, y, z, **kwargs):
    for xi, yi, zi, color in zip(x, y, z, kwargs['color']):
        line = ax.plot([xi, xi], [yi, yi], [0, zi], color=color, linewidth=kwargs.get('linewidth', 1))
        ax.scatter(xi, yi, zi, c=[color])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_title('3D Stem Plot')

# Normalize colors
colors = cm.viridis(z_stem / z_stem.max())
stem3D(ax, x_stem, y_stem, z_stem, linewidth=1, color=colors)


Adjust Stem Colors

This code applies the ‘viridis’ colormap to the stems.

Modify Stem Line Width and Style

You can customize the appearance of the stems by adjusting their width and style using linewidth and linestyle parameters:

def stem3D(ax, x, y, z, **kwargs):
    for xi, yi, zi, color in zip(x, y, z, kwargs['color']):
        line = ax.plot([xi, xi], [yi, yi], [0, zi], color=color, linewidth=kwargs.get('linewidth', 1), linestyle='--')
        ax.scatter(xi, yi, zi, c=[color])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_title('3D Stem Plot')
colors = cm.viridis(z_stem / z_stem.max())
stem3D(ax, x_stem, y_stem, z_stem, linewidth=4, color=colors)


Modify Stem Line Width and Style

This code creates red, dashed stems with increased line width.

Change Marker Size and Shape

You can modify the markers at the top of each stem using the marker and markersize parameters:

def stem3D(ax, x, y, z, **kwargs):
    marker_style = kwargs.pop('marker', 'o')
    marker_size = kwargs.pop('markersize', 20)
    for xi, yi, zi in zip(x, y, z):
        line = ax.plot([xi, xi], [yi, yi], [0, zi], **kwargs)
        ax.scatter(xi, yi, zi, c=line[0].get_color(), marker=marker_style, s=marker_size)
stem3D(ax, x_stem, y_stem, z_stem, linewidth=1, color='g', marker='^', markersize=50)


Change Marker Size and Shape

This code creates green stems with large triangular markers at the top.

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