Guide to Sed Command: Text Editing in Linux

sed stands for Stream EDitor. This command allows you to parse and transform text data.

If the input originates from a file, a pipeline, or standard input, sed processes it line by line.

With sed, you can perform various text manipulations like insertion, deletion, search, and replacement.


Table of Contents hide


Basic Syntax and Operation

The basic structure for the sed command is:

sed 'COMMAND' file_name

Where COMMAND is the operation you wish to perform, and file_name is the name of the file you’re working with.

If you omit the file name, sed will expect input from standard input.

echo "Linux is fun" | sed 's/fun/great/'


Linux is great

This pipes the output of echo into sed, which then replaces “fun” with “great”.

Specifying files as input

If you want sed to process a file directly, specify the file name.

sed 's/Linux/UNIX/' sample.txt

Assuming sample.txt contains the line “Linux is Awesome”, the output would be:

UNIX is Awesome

To edit the file in-place and save the changes, use the -i option.

sed -i 's/Linux/UNIX/' sample.txt

After this command, the content of sample.txt will permanently change to “UNIX is Awesome”.


Specifying Line numbers

You can specify a particular line number to restrict a command’s effect.

echo -e "Apple\nBanana\nCherry" | sed '2s/Banana/Peach/'



Only the second line, “Banana”, gets replaced with “Peach”.


Address Ranges

You can specify a range of lines by indicating the start and end line numbers.

echo -e "Apple\nBanana\nCherry\nDate\nElderberry" | sed '2,4s/^/Fruit: /'


Fruit: Banana
Fruit: Cherry
Fruit: Date

Lines 2 through 4 have been prefixed with “Fruit: “.


Substituting text

The s command searches for a specified pattern and replaces it with another.

The basic syntax for substitution in sed is:

sed 's/pattern/replacement/'


echo "Cats are cute." | sed 's/cute/beautiful/'


Cats are beautiful.

Here, the word “cute” is replaced with “beautiful”.

Global Substitution

By default, sed replaces only the first occurrence in each line. To replace all occurrences, append the g flag.

echo "Cats are cute. Dogs are cute too." | sed 's/cute/beautiful/g'


Cats are beautiful. Dogs are beautiful too.

Both instances of “cute” are replaced with “beautiful”.


Change Slash Delimiter

While most examples use the forward slash / as the delimiter, you can pick other characters, especially when dealing with file paths or URLs.

echo "Visit" | sed 's_http://_https://_'



This switches an HTTP URL to HTTPS, and uses underscores as delimiters to avoid clashing with slashes in the URL.


Delete lines

The d command in sed allows you to delete lines based on specific criteria, be it a direct match, a regular expression, or an address range.

Delete a Specific Line

To delete a specific line, provide its line number.

echo -e "Apple\nBanana\nCherry" | sed '2d'



The second line, “Banana”, is removed from the output.

Delete a Range of Lines

You can specify a range of lines to be deleted.

echo -e "Apple\nBanana\nCherry\nDate\nElderberry" | sed '2,4d'



Lines 2 through 4 (inclusive) are deleted.

Delete Lines Matching a Pattern

You can delete lines matching a specific pattern using regular expressions.

echo -e "Apple\nBig Banana\nCherry\nBig Date\nElderberry" | sed '/^Big /d'



All lines beginning with “Big ” are removed from the output.

Delete All Except Lines Matching a Pattern

Sometimes, instead of deleting lines that match a pattern, you’ll want to keep only those lines and delete everything else. This can be achieved using the inverse match !.

echo -e "Apple\nBig Banana\nCherry\nBig Date\nElderberry" | sed '/^Big /!d'


Big Banana
Big Date

Only lines starting with “Big ” are retained in the output.


Printing lines

The p command in sed prints lines from the input, and when combined with various patterns or address ranges, it becomes a powerful tool for displaying specific content.

Printing a Specific Line

To print a certain line, just indicate its line number.

echo -e "Apple\nBanana\nCherry" | sed -n '2p'



Only the second line, “Banana”, is displayed.

Printing a Range of Lines

Defining a range of lines allows you to selectively print multiple lines.

echo -e "Apple\nBanana\nCherry\nDate\nElderberry" | sed -n '2,4p'



Lines 2 through 4 are printed.

Printing Lines Matching a Pattern

With a regular expression, you can instruct sed to print lines that match a certain pattern.

echo -e "Apple\nBig Banana\nCherry\nBig Date\nElderberry" | sed -n '/^Big /p'


Big Banana
Big Date

Only lines beginning with “Big ” are printed.

Double Printing Lines Matching a Pattern

If you use the p command without the -n option, sed will print each line of the input by default. When a line matches a pattern or address, it gets printed again.

echo -e "Apple\nBig Banana\nCherry\nBig Date\nElderberry" | sed '/^Big /p'


Big Banana
Big Banana
Big Date
Big Date

Lines starting with “Big ” are printed twice.

Read more on how to print lines using sed p command.


Grouping & Back-references

Grouping and back-references are powerful features in sed that allow you to capture portions of text and reference them in your operations.

Use the escape-prefixed parentheses \( and \) to group parts of your pattern.

echo "The apple is red" | sed 's/\(apple\)/fruit: \1/'


The fruit: apple is red

The term “apple” is captured and referred to as \1 in the replacement string.

Using Multiple Back-references

You can have multiple groups and reference them using \1, \2, etc.

echo "Swap this around" | sed 's/\(Swap\) \(this\) \(around\)/\3 \2 \1/'


around this Swap

The words “Swap”, “this”, and “around” are captured and rearranged in the replacement.

Example: Renaming Files using Back-references

Back-references can be particularly useful in scripts for tasks like renaming files.

Consider a situation where you have filenames in the format “file-001.txt” and you wish to rename them to “001-file.txt”.

Command (hypothetical usage in a script):

echo "file-001.txt" | sed 's/\(file\)-\(.*\).txt/\2-\1.txt/'



Regex inside Parentheses

You can use regular expressions inside grouping parentheses to capture dynamic content and utilize it in transformations.

echo "Price: $5.99" | sed 's/Price: $\(.*\)/The cost is \1/'


The cost is 5.99

Here, we captured the actual price and used it in a different sentence structure.

Read more about sed grouping and backreferences.


Changing Case with y Command

The y command in sed enables you to transform characters from one set to another, which is particularly useful for changing the case of text.

Unlike the s command, y operates on individual characters rather than patterns.

Changing to Uppercase

To convert a string to uppercase, specify the range of characters to be transformed.

echo "make this uppercase" | sed 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/'



Every lowercase letter is transformed to its uppercase counterpart.

Changing to Lowercase

Similarly, you can change text to lowercase.

echo "MAKE THIS LOWERCASE" | sed 'y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/'


make this lowercase

Each uppercase letter is swapped for its lowercase equivalent.

Mixing Case Transformations

In some situations, you may want to swap the case of each letter.

echo "Mix\ntHiS\nCaSe" | sed 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/'


mIX ThiS cAsE

Every lowercase character is turned to uppercase, and vice versa.

Limiting the Transformation Scope

By combining the y command with addresses or patterns, you can restrict the scope of the transformation.

echo -e "Change\nTHIS\nLine" | sed '/THIS/y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/'



Only the line containing “THIS” is converted to lowercase.


Multi-line Operations

The commands N, P, and D are used for multi-line processing, they allow you to read, modify, and print data across multiple lines.

Appending the Next Line with N

The N command appends the next line of input into the pattern.

echo -e "apple\nbanana\ncherry\ndate" | sed 'N;s/\n/\&/'



Here’s how it works:

N: This reads in the next line and appends it to the pattern space, separated by a newline character.

s/\n/\&/: This replaces the newline character with the & character.

Printing up to the First Newline with P

The P command prints the content of the pattern up to the first new line.

echo -e "apple\nbanana" | sed 'N;P'



First, the N command appends “banana” to the pattern. Then P prints only “apple”, and the entire pattern is printed afterward.

Deleting up to the First Newline with D

The D command deletes the content of the pattern up to the first new line.

echo -e "apple\nbanana\ncherry" | sed 'N;D'



After appending “banana” with N, D deletes “apple”, then “banana” and “cherry” get printed.

Patterns Across Multiple Lines

Multi-line operations shine in situations where patterns span multiple lines.

echo -e "apple split\nbanana" | sed 'N;/split\nbanana/s//split &/'


apple split & banana

This identifies a pattern across two lines and replaces the new line with ” & “.

Example: Removing Consecutive Blank Lines

As an example, you can remove consecutive empty lines, leaving only one empty line.

echo -e "apple\n\n\nbanana" | sed '/^$/N;/\n$/D'




The consecutive blank lines between “apple” and “banana” are reduced to a single blank line.


Basic vs. Extended Regular Expressions

In sed, there are two types of regular expressions: basic (BRE) and extended (ERE).

  • Basic Regular Expressions (BRE): This is the default mode in sed. Some characters like \+, \?, and \| have literal meanings, and you need to escape them (+, ?, and |) to use their special functions.
  • Extended Regular Expressions (ERE): Activated with the -E option in sed, it supports a richer set of operations. In this mode, you don’t need to escape the special characters.

Commonly Used Regex Patterns

  • .: Matches any single character.
  • ^: Matches the beginning of a line.
  • *: Matches zero or more of the preceding character or group.
  • \+: Matches one or more of the preceding character or group (BRE).
  • +: Matches one or more of the preceding character or group (ERE).
  • [...]: Matches any one of the characters inside the square brackets.

Practical regex use cases in sed

Example1: Matching Lines Starting with a Specific Word

echo -e "apple\nbanana\napple pie" | sed -n '/^apple/p'


apple pie

Example2: Removing Trailing Whitespaces

echo -e "apple   \nbanana" | sed 's/[ \t]*$//'



Example3: Matching Email Addresses (simplified)

Command (Using ERE for simplicity):

echo "Contact me at" | sed -E 's/([a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4})/[\1]/'


Contact me at [].

Example4: Swapping Words Using Capturing Groups

echo "first to second" | sed 's/\(first\) to \(second\)/\2 and \1/'


second and first

The positions of “first” and “second” are switched using capturing groups.


Multiple sed Commands

Multiple commands can be chained together using a semicolon (;).

echo "apple banana" | sed 's/apple/fruit/; s/banana/berry/'


fruit berry

Both substitutions are performed sequentially on the same input.

Using Multiple -e Options

You can specify multiple commands using the -e option before each command.

echo "apple banana" | sed -e 's/apple/fruit/' -e 's/banana/berry/'


fruit berry

Each -e introduces a new sed command to apply to the input.

The sed Script File

When dealing with numerous commands, it’s cleaner to use a sed script file.

Save the following content to a file named script.sed.


Then use -f option to use the script with sed:

echo "apple banana" | sed -f script.sed


fruit berry


Using Labels

For longer sed scripts with multiple branching points, labels help to navigate the control flow. You define a label using :labelname and reference it in b or t commands.

Example: Repeated Substitution Until a Condition

Let’s replace all occurrences of “aa” with “a” iteratively until no more “aa” sequences remain:


t loop


echo "baaaanaaa" | sed -f script.sed



Initially, “baaaanaaa” has three occurrences of “aa”. The script continues to replace “aa” with “a” until no more matches are found.


The b (Branch) Command

The b command branches to a label. If no label is provided, it branches to the end of the script, skipping any commands that follow.

Example: Skipping Lines Containing Specific Text

echo -e "apple\nbanana\ncherry" | sed '/apple/b; s/.*/& is a fruit/'


banana is a fruit
cherry is a fruit

For lines containing “apple”, the b command skips the substitution that follows, thus not appending “is a fruit”.

Read more about Linux sed branching.


The t (Test) Command

The t command tests if any substitution has taken place since the last input line was read or conditional branch was taken.

If a substitution occurred, it branches to the label. If no label is provided, it branches to the end of the script.

Example: Capitalizing a Word Once Per Line

echo -e "apple apple\nbanana" | sed 's/apple/APPLE/; t; s/apple/APPLE/g'


APPLE apple

If the first substitution succeeds, the t command skips the second substitution. This ensures that only the first occurrence of “apple” gets capitalized.


Testing and Negation

In sed, the ! command serves as a negation, meaning it applies the following command or commands to all lines except those matching a particular address or pattern.

This is useful when you want to transform lines that don’t match a certain pattern, or when you want to skip modifications on matching lines.

Negating a Single Pattern

If you want to apply a command to lines that don’t match a specific pattern, use ! before the command.

Example: Capitalize All Lines Not Containing a Specific Text

echo -e "apple\nbanana\napple pie" | sed '/apple/!s/.*/\U&/'


apple pie

Here, only the “banana” line, which doesn’t contain “apple”, gets capitalized.

Negating Multiple Patterns with a Range

You can combine ! with line ranges to apply commands outside of those ranges.

Example: Delete All Lines Except Lines 2 to 3

echo -e "apple\nbanana\ncherry\ngrape" | sed '2,3!d'



Lines 2 to 3 (i.e., “banana” and “cherry”) are the only ones retained.

Combining Negation with Substitution

Negation can be paired with other sed commands.

Example: Change Text, but not on lines containing a specific word

echo -e "apple\napple pie\napple tart" | sed '/pie/!s/apple/fruit/'


apple pie
fruit tart

The substitution takes place everywhere except on the line with “pie”.

Applying Multiple Commands to Negated Patterns

Using curly braces {}, you can group multiple commands together to execute them on negated patterns.

Example: For lines not starting with “#”, replace words and append a specific text

echo -e "#comment\napple" | sed '/^#/!{s/apple/fruit/; s/$/- done/}'


fruit- done

Commands inside {} are executed only on lines not starting with “#”.


Inserting Text

The i command inserts the given text immediately before the line that matches the specified pattern.

Example: Insert Text Before Any Line Containing a Specific Word

echo -e "apple pie\nbanana split" | sed '/apple/ifruit:'


apple pie
banana split

Inserting Multiple Lines

To insert multiple lines, you can use a backslash at the end of each line you’re inserting, except the last.

Example: Insert Multiple Lines Before Specific Text

echo "banana split" | sed '/banana/i\First line to insert\nSecond line to insert'


First line to insert
Second line to insert
banana split

Insertion with Line Numbers

Instead of patterns, you can use line numbers to determine where the text should be inserted.

Example: Insert Text Before the First Line

echo -e "apple\nbanana\ncherry" | sed '1i\Top of the list:'


Top of the list:

Insert Command with Other Commands

sed commands can be chained together to perform a series of operations. When paired with the i command, this allows for complex manipulations.

Example: Insert Text and Delete Lines Containing Specific Text

echo -e "apple\ncherry\nbanana" | sed '/apple/i\fruit: ; /cherry/d'




Appending Text

The a command appends the provided text right after the line that matches the specified pattern.

Example: Append Text After Any Line Containing a Specific Text

echo -e "apple pie\nbanana split" | sed '/pie/a\Delicious!'


apple pie
banana split

Appending Multiple Lines

To append multiple lines, you can again use a backslash at the end of each line you’re appending, except for the last one.

Example: Append Multiple Lines After a Specific Text

echo "banana split" | sed '/banana/a\More fruits:\nAnother dessert'


banana split
More fruits:
Another dessert

Appending Using Line Numbers

You can also use line numbers to determine where the text should be appended.

Example: Append Text After the Last Line

echo -e "apple\nbanana" | sed '$a\End of the list.'


End of the list.

Append command with Other Commands

The a command can be used in conjunction with other sed commands.

Example: Append Text and Replace Other Text

echo -e "apple\nbanana" | sed '/apple/\afruit: ; s/banana/berry/'



Read more about text appending in Linux using sed command.


Reading Content from a File

With the r command, you can read the content of a specified file and append it after the line matching a given pattern.

Example: Append the Content of a file After Any Line Containing a Specific Text

Assuming extra.txt contains:

Extra toppings:
- Chocolate
- Sprinkles


echo "apple pie" | sed '/pie/r extra.txt'


apple pie
Extra toppings:
- Chocolate
- Sprinkles

Reading Content Using Line Numbers

You can also use line numbers to decide where to insert the external file’s content.

Example: Insert Content of a File After the Last Line

Assuming footer.txt contains:

End of menu
Visit again!


echo -e "apple\nbanana" | sed '$r footer.txt'


End of menu
Visit again!

Inserting Multiple Files

You can insert content from several files into your data stream by chaining multiple r commands.

Example: Inserting a Header and a Footer

Assuming header.txt contains:

Fruit Menu

And using the earlier footer.txt:

echo -e "applenbanana" | sed '1r header.txt ; $r footer.txt'


Fruit Menu
End of menu
Visit again!


Writing to a File

Using the w command, you can write lines matching a specific pattern to a specific file.

Example: Write Lines Containing a Specific Text to a File

echo -e "apple pie\nbanana split\napple tart" | sed -n '/apple/w apples.txt'

The lines containing “apple” are written to apples.txt. The -n option ensures that sed doesn’t print anything to standard output.

Writing Using Line Numbers

You can also use line numbers to specify which lines should be written to the external file.

Example: Write the First Line to a File

echo -e "apple\nbanana\ncherry" | sed -n '1w firstline.txt'

The first line “apple” is written to firstline.txt.

Combining Reading and Writing

The r and w commands can be combined for powerful transformations where you read from one file, perform transformations, and write to another.

Example: Replace Text in a File and Save to Another File

Assuming source.txt contains:

apple pie
banana split


sed '/apple/s/apple/fruit/w output.txt' source.txt

The modified lines with “fruit” replace “apple” and are written to output.txt.

Writing Multiple Patterns to Different Files

You can direct different patterns to different files by chaining w commands.

echo -e "apple\npie\nbanana\nice-cream" | sed -n '/apple/banana/w fruits.txt ; /pie/ice-cream/w desserts.txt'

Lines containing “apple” and “banana” are saved to fruits.txt, while “pie” and “ice-cream” are stored in desserts.txt.


Working with the Hold Buffer

The hold buffer is like a temporary clipboard where you can copy, swap, and replace patterns from the pattern space (the current line sed is working on). Several commands interact with the hold buffer:

  • h: Copies the pattern space to the hold buffer.
  • H: Appends the pattern space to the hold buffer with a new line.
  • g: Copies the hold buffer to the pattern space.
  • G: Appends the hold buffer to the pattern space with a new line.
  • x: Exchanges the contents of the pattern space and the hold buffer.

Example: Storing and Appending Data with Hold Buffer

echo -e "apple\nbanana" | sed -n '1h ; 2G ; p'



Here’s the step-by-step breakdown:

  • The first line “apple” is copied to the hold buffer.
  • The hold buffer is then appended to the second line “banana”, resulting in “banana\napple” in the pattern space.
  • This modified pattern space is then printed out.



36 thoughts on “Guide to Sed Command: Text Editing in Linux
  1. I use sed on a daily basis for basic manipulation with some regular expressions, but it’s always great to get refreshers on it’s capabilities. Thanks for sharing !

    1. You are welcome.

      sed and awk are sys admin love daily use to process log files and much more.
      I think that I will write a post about regular expressions before continuing on text processing.


    2. hi Killaklik, can you please help me in a small transformation using sed,
      echo “Welcome To The ${geek.learn} Stuff” | sed ‘s/\./\_/g’
      please change and execute this to make OUTPUT as: Welcome To The ${GEEK_LEARN} Stuff

      The content in the flower bracket should change to upper case and . To transform to _

      1. You can replace the entire words between the brackets like this:
        $ sed -i 's/geek\.learn/GEEK_LEARN/g' myfile

        1. bro, will give you exact input,

          # This is the definition that needs to be used for Cluster B (VW, VWN, Skoda, Seat)

          1. and expected output would be:
            SAML_KEYSTORE_PATH: ((LIFERAY_HOME))/tomcat/conf/LiferayKeyStore.jks
            sp.config.fal.proxyhost: 25003860

            sharing you my sample script:(not fully completed though)
            the input is a properties file, so I started my code using :
            if [ ! -f ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml ]; then
            echo -e “\nGenerating a complete_manifest.yml file”
            elif [ -f ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml ]; then
            rm -rf ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml
            echo -e “\nGenerating a complete_manifest.yml file”

            # Generate the file
            cat $existing_file > ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml
            export upper_case=`awk -F “[()]” ‘{ for (i=3; i<NF; i+=2) print $i }' ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
            export lower_case=`awk -F "[()]" '{ for (i=3; i> ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml
            done < "$file"

            echo "$file not found."


            sed -i 's/${/((/' ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml
            sed -i 's/}/))/' ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml
            sed -i -e 's/\r//g' ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml
            sed -i 's/=/: /' ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml
            sed -i '/^\s*[:@#]/ d' ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml
            sed -i -r '/^\s*$/d' ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml
            sed -i -e 's/$UPPER_CASE/$LOWER_CASE/g' ./newscript/complete_manifest.yml

          2. I’m a bit confused.
            What do you mean by the definition that needs to be used?

  2. >>> The s command replaces the second text string with the first text string pattern specified between the first forward slashes.

    This is wrong, you should fix this. You have some other similar places in your text.

    Thanks a lot for your bash tutorial series, I enjoy it very much.

    1. Thank for your interest.
      what other similar places? i didn’t got your point.

          1. You article says, that second string is replaced with first one. In fact, first one is replaced with second one (see you own screenshot!!). Please, fix you article so readers don’t get confused.

  3. I want to Add a line using sed in the 4th last line of a file. Can anyone please help me wth command.
    I am trying to use variables in sed but throwing an error.
    Considering that we do not know the total number of lines in a file.

    1. You can add a line in the same way as the examples above
      sed '4aThis is the appended line.' youfile.txt
      The above example will append a line after the fourth line.
      To insert a line, type it like this:
      sed '4iThis is the inserted line.' youfile.txt
      Check the difference in the examples above.

      1. I need to enter a line in the 4th LAST line of a file. Since the size of the file could vary, i mean the total number of lines, i am thinking i need to use variables.

        1. As you said, because the number of lines could vary, you have to count the total number of lines first then if there is a fourth line, you can insert your text after it.

          1. Yes right so what I was trying to do was..
            a=cat test.txt >> wc -l

            Post this i am not able to user this varaible a and then subtract 4 out of it and use

            sed ‘$(a-4) iThis is the inserted line.’ test.txt –> does not work.

          2. The code you’ve written is incomplete, also, your test file is unknown.
            Check your error and figure what line causes the problem.

        2. Better late then never….
          seq 1 9 > file.txt
          cat file.txt
          # magic:
          sed $(( $(cat file.txt|wc -l) – 4 ))’iinserted’ file.txt

          Yes, please sed a few digits to my bank account, too! 🙂

  4. I want to append some string after each line of the file except the header and footer of the files .
    So I have used below command to change the range of the lines except header and footer but its deleting header and footer and I do not want to delete the header and footer lines .

    sed -n ‘2,5p; ‘”$str_var”” abc.dat > abc.dat.temp

    even I have tried to skip the header and modified other lines by using below command but no options for footer/ trailer line to keep it as unchange .

    sed ‘1! s/$/'”$str_var”‘/g’ abc.dat > abc.dat.temp

    any suggestions how to change all the lines of the file except the header and footer line and the command should not be deleting the header/footer line .

    1. You can exclude lines like this:
      sed '10,20!s/xxx/yyy/' input > output
      This will exclude from line 10 to 20. and replace xxx with yyy

  5. The first statement under the title “Understand sed Linux Command” is: “The sed command is an interactive text editor like nano.”. That is hardly believable; sed is the abbreviation of “Stream EDitor”, or editor over a data stream: You instruct it on what you want to be done and get out of its way until it is finished, after the data stream is processed as a whole. This is the complete opposite of interactive! In fact, I remember from class -a long time ago, by the way- that sed was shown as an example of a NON-interactive program, and as a teacher I’ve continued showing sed as a NON-interactive program for a very long time. Am I wrong?

      1. Thank YOU for an excellent article. Wish I had it back when learning sed…

  6. Hi there i want to extract a part from a filename for example :

    i need to save just “noip2″ in another variable
    i try with :
    PIDFILE=$(sed -n ‘s/^[[:space:]]*pid_file[[:space:]]*”\?\([^”]*\)\”\?/\1/p’ $NOIP2CONF)

    but is empty. well i keep searching how i can get it

    1. Can you elaborate more so I can help you?
      Also, can you write more lines from your files to see the pattern?


  7. You have a typo in an early example:
    ” $ sed ‘s/test/another test’ ./myfile”
    This returns an error, “unterminated substitute in regular expression”
    I was able to get the desired result like this:
    ” $ sed ‘s/test/another test/’ ./myfile”

  8. $ Sed ‘/DATA>/ { r newfile d}’ myfile
    to this command i am getting error as sed: -e expression #1, char 0: unmatched `{‘ please give me solution

    1. Check it creafully:
      $ Sed '/DATA>/ {
      r newfile
      d}' myfile

      You should use ‘ not ‘

    1. You can print specific lines like this:
      $ sed -n '14p;17p;33p' myfile.txt
      Hope that helps!

  9. Hi, guys!

    I have a problem because of different versions of a program in the generated outputs. The problem could

    be easily fixed if I can change two lines if they are inverse. However, both lines starting with space

    and the one contains normal characters, space and an = character too (pattern1), the other one is a

    fixed one starting with space containing an : character, too (pattern2). Furthermore, depending on the

    version of the output, pattern1 can be present more than once but I only want to have pattern2 before

    the first occurence of pattern1. I was thinking to simply delete pattern2 and insert before pattern1. It

    works fine if I have only one occurrence but if I have more and wanted to insert also 0, it changed

    further parts of the file it should not. Can you help me?

    ok for one occurrence:
    sed ‘/pattern2/d’ file1 | sed ‘/^pattern2.*/i \pattern1’ > file2

    sed ‘/pattern2/d’ file1 | sed ‘0,/^pattern2.*/i \pattern1’ > file2

    pattern1: ” word1 =”
    pattern2: ” word2 word3:”

    blabla (should not be changed, may contain word1 but not pattern1)
    pattern1 data or pattern2
    pattern2 or pattern1 data
    lots of other data
    pattern1 data (exactly the same line as the first occurrance)
    lots of further data can contain word1 many times but not pattern1

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